Friday, December 30, 2011

Top Posts of 2011

It seems like *everybody* is doing a little recap of the year, so I thought I would join in!  Looking back at my top posts for 2011, you would think I was a food blogger, but I'm really not!  I do like food though, and thus I post about it - LOL!  :)

Top 2011 posts by page views:

I wanted to give honorable mentions to some posts that had the most comments rather than page views as that means a lot to me - more interaction!

1. You Thought I *Quit* Blogging? April Fool - Joke's On You!
2. Encouraging Bloggers: Small or Hobby or Nicheless or New, This Blog Series is Written For You {Intro}
3. 10 Things You Might Hear Yourself Asking Your 11-Year Old Son
4. 10 Exciting* Things Happening This Week

Whether you stop by because you're family or friends or come by for recipes, tips, or random information - I appreciate you and welcome you back here anytime!  Thank you so much - you are the reason I continue to post!

I have to give a shout-out to Heidi at The Frugal Girls!  Linking up, guest posting, and being featured on her blog led to the large page views on 4 of those top posts - thanks Heidi!  And a shout-out to my sweet bloggy friend Kim at Homesteader's Heart!  She is my constant commenter and all posts (whether or not they are a "top" post) will feature a comment from Kim - you rock my friend!

2011 was a good blog year for me - especially since I returned to blogging!  I look forward to what 2012 will bring and I pray that you all will have a blessed year!

Happy New Year friends!!

1 comment:

  1. Um I totally commented on this post but it's not here! Weird!
    Well since I am the most dedicated commenter that you have I feel it's my duty to be first once again. LOL!

    I love everything that you post because it's about you and since I am just crazy about you it just makes sense. ;-)

    Big you are definitely my bestest blogging buddy and I think the world of you and am very thankful for your friendship size hugs to you!


I would love to hear your comments! Thank you for stopping and smelling the chocolates with me!! Currently disabled anonymous comments due to spam attempts - thanks for understanding!

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