Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Musings

I'm joining in with my friend Charlotte this morning to share a few musings...

What I'm thinking: I'm thinking about how far behind I am in everything - housework, homeschooling (just a bit behind), organizing, reading, planning.  I know I can't be caught up on everything all at once, but further along would be nice!  :)

What I'm reading: Trying to do my daily Bible and devotional reading and still trying to finish Raising Your Children for Christ by Andrew Murray - so close to being done!

What I'm listening to: The clinking of a spoon in a bowl while kiddo eats some cereal and some chirping birds outside.

What we're learning: In Bible, we're finishing up the book of Acts.  In History, we're starting a chapter on the Reformation and in Science, we're starting a unit on the atmosphere.  Math is the usual pre-algebra stuff; we're about 2/3 of the way through the book.  And in kiddo's writing class, he's finishing an outline for an oral presentation at the end of the month.

What I'm watching: Watched a couple episodes of a hoarding show yesterday on instant Netflix.  We like to watch a few of those occasionally - it inspires us to go get rid of some more clutter & organize more things!

What's cooking: Tonight we'll have pork loin for dinner (I put a rub on it and roast it in the oven).  We'll also be having salmon loaf this week - something I grew up eating that people either think sounds disgusting or fantastic.  :)

What I'm buying: I need to buy a wedding gift and possibly a new skirt or dress to wear to a wedding.  Also have a couple of returns/exchanges to take care of this week.

What I'm thankful for: My wonderful husband - he really is amazing!  And ever so thankful for sunshine which is here for the moment but rain is coming back.  Also thankful that we don't live in an area with tornadoes and am praying for all those that have been affected by the storms.

What I'm creating: Making plans for my blog in April.  It will be my 4-year blogiversary and I have some ideas for a kind of, sort of relaunch/refresh/re-whatever you want to call it - LOL!  :)

What I'm praying: Praying for my husband as he has many things going on in his work this week.  Praying for me to stay focused on getting caught up.  Praying for friends with financial and medical struggles.

What I'm planning: Keeping up with the weekly out-of-the-house activities: writing class, tennis lessons, performance group, Boy Scouts, Lego class.  And kiddo has a fun Boy Scout campout to go to this weekend!

What we did this last weekend: Caught up some on cleaning & chores.  Kiddo had a friend spend the night, which is always fun!  And I cooked up a bunch of food for our church potluck - I'll be posting some of those recipes here soon.  After church and our potluck yesterday, we ran a few errands and then came home to relax.

What I'm looking forward to: Looking forward to the wedding we'll be attending on Saturday!  The couple both attended the Christian school that we are involved with and their families attend our church.  So we've watched them grow up over the last several years and it will be delightful to watch them get married!  They are such a sweet couple!!

A picture to share:
Our son's new hat that he received at the Boy Scout Court of Honor last week for achieving First Class Rank!  He was very excited!  He had to give a speech too and he did a great job!  We're very proud of him!

What's going on around your place?

Have a day full of blessings my friends!!


  1. What a great picture! Congrats on his achievement! June will be my 4 yr blogaversary too. I can't believe it's been that long. I can't wait to see your new ideas and recipes!

  2. Sounds like things are going normally.... are any of us really ever caught up? Seems I get caught up in one thing and then behind in others.

    I have no idea how long I've been blogging... I think 4 years in Sept.

  3. Maybe I need to watch Hoarder's. LOL! Actually my house isn't that bad. Everything has it's place unless you walk into one of the kids rooms. OY!
    Big tell me what your blog plans are now so I'm inspired to change something as well size hugs to you!

    Love the picture of B. He looks so handsome!

  4. Salmon loaf....I have never had one so it doesn't make me want to puke or anything, but what makes it stay together in a loaf? Maybe something to try soon...

    Congrats, B! And I can't believe it will be 4 years of blogging for you. :-)

  5. WTG to your son on his achievement!

    I can't watch the hoarding shows - they make me too sad! Those people break my heart :(


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