Well, I planned on writing about something else today, but then my son ended up at the emergency room last night.
It's always scary when something is wrong with your child and you can't fix it for them. You start to think about all the possible things that could be wrong. Prayer and trust in the Lord kept me somewhat calm. My son's problem turned out to be nothing major (as far as we know right now) - Praise the Lord!
It was another good reminder of how precious our children are and how we really don't know how much time we have with them. So take time today (and every day) to give your kids extra hugs and kisses and tell them how much you love them. And savor those "chocolate" moments - the giggles, the clean smells of hair and skin after a bath or shower, the smiles with missing teeth, the unexpected hugs, the peaceful faces when sleeping, the singing of hymns while playing, and so many more...
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