Thursday, July 24, 2008

Another Award and Class Reunion Recap and...

Wow! Another award! I am so blessed to have such wonderful blogging friends.

Thank you to Kim at Homesteaders Heart for this award!! I am so honored!

If you are a blogger without an award, consider yourself nominated!

And now, on to the Class Reunion Recap...

This was actually the last part of my trip, but I might as well start with it while it's fresh in my mind. I got lots of great comments on my class reunion panic post but I like what Kathy C. had to say and had to add my own comments:

20 year reunions:

A. Usually have dim lighting, we all look good in dim lighting. - It was true! Lots of dim lighting - did they consult you??

B. Pretty much every guy will be nearly bald - Surprisingly, not so true. Some were a bit, but many still had some hair. And then there were several baseball caps on - do I assume those boys are bald underneath?

C. Just about every woman will have gained at least some weight since HS - True statement! Thank you! I did not feel so bad when I got there and felt pretty comfortable just being myself.

D. Most of the people who will be there are feeling the same way you are, so just relax and let them be nervous, LOL - I tried. Couldn't tell that anybody else felt that way, but I wasn't so nervous after I got there the first night and found several people that I knew.

E. Remember, the joy of the Lord makes us all look 10 years younger! :) - My favorite part and I think it is true! The reunion really did remind me to stop and thank the Lord for plucking me off the path I was heading in and putting me on the narrow path walking in the right direction (very slowly and stumbling!) He's amazing!!

Have fun! - I did, but my husband didn't! :)

Since my reunion was 2 nights, I didn't take my husband the first night. I was glad about that and so was he! I got to visit with lots of ladies and he would have felt left out. In fact, more than one of the spouses I met mentioned that they were a bit jealous of my husband. It's tough trying to be part of conversations that have nothing to do with you.

The first night of the reunion was fun and I talked to lots of people. Such a range of clothing from casual to dressy- I could have worn anything at all and it would have been fine! There was plenty of food, though I never broke away from conversations to go eat. And there was a DJ playing 80's music, but I didn't really go near that area.

The second day had some time at a local waterslide for families. There weren't all that many that turned out for it, but it was just right. My husband and son had a great time there! And we went to a park with some friends afterward, which was nice.

The second evening wasn't my favorite. I did enjoy some more visiting and saw a friend that hadn't been there the first night, which was great. Again with the huge range of clothing - jeans and t-shirts to cocktail dresses. The food was OK; the drinks were free; there was a band that was too loud! My poor hubby was so bored that night. Now please don't think poorly of him - he is a very friendly guy and gave it a good effort. I left him alone at the table far too many times. I finally put him out of his misery and we left early. We actually went out for dessert before heading home, so we had a mini date!

That was about it. I think I'm good for another 10-20 years, though I will be e-mailing a few people. Did I leave out anything that you desperately wanted to know?


Happy Birthday to my Wonderful Husband!!!
I love you!

Lisa :)


  1. Congratulations on the award!

  2. Oh Lisa, it sounds like you had a great time. I have to add to my previous comments...

    A. Usually have dim lighting...It was true! Lots of dim lighting - did they consult you?? (Hee hee, no, but I think they plan it this way.) :)

    B. Pretty much every guy will be nearly bald - Surprisingly, not so true. Some were a bit, but many still had some hair. And then there were several baseball caps on - do I assume those boys are bald underneath? - (a. Hairclub for men? and b. YES!) :)

    C. Just about every woman will have gained at least some weight since HS - True statement! Thank you! I did not feel so bad when I got there and felt pretty comfortable just being myself. (Always important - we are who we are inside anyhow)

    D. ...just relax and let them be nervous, LOL - I tried. Couldn't tell that anybody else felt that way, but I wasn't so nervous after I got there the first night and found several people that I knew. (Was wondering, was it hard to recognize anyone? At mine, I had a hard time recogniznig the guys, but the girls were easy to tell)

    E. Remember, the joy of the Lord makes us all look 10 years younger! :) - My favorite part and I think it is true! The reunion really did remind me to stop and thank the Lord for plucking me off the path I was heading in and putting me on the narrow path walking in the right direction (very slowly and stumbling!) He's amazing!!
    - I completely know what you mean. I made this statement, because at my reunion, a group of gals actually came up to me and asked me how I managed to stay so young looking. I didn't really know what to say (this would have been a GREAT opportunity to talk about the Lord, but duh! I didn't do it!)...I am certain that joy and the fact that I don't drink or smoke has something to do with it. I was in the same boat, thinking the whole time about how thankful I was about the path Christ has saved me from.

    Have fun! - I did, but my husband didn't! :) - Ditto, I think that is expected. :)

  3. Welcome Home Lisa! I've actually never been to my reunions! LOL! But it sounds like yours was nice! Hope your husband has a nice birthday!

    Congrats on your award! I just stopped in to tell you, I have two awards for you too! Drop in when you get a chance! :)


  4. See that wasn't so bad, now was it? Time goes by, it is good to see some friends but to me, life goes on. I have been back for almost a year and have not contacted any of my old friends. Just haven't taken the time. So I guess it is not that important to me. I am not a very social person, and I am pretty insecure now that I have gained my weight. Which really sucks, because why do I value myself based on that. But it is true. I guess we expect to look like we did back in high school. For me that is 30 years ago. Isn't life funny.

  5. Happy birthday to your hubby! I have never been to a reunion - I don't know if I want to go back to that point in my life, lol.



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