Friday, June 4, 2010

Would You Like Dessert With That? ~ Scottish Shortbread

It's Friday (and the last day of school)!!  Woo Hoo!   How was your week?  Mine was busy but I'll make up for it next week.  Right now, it's time for a little dessert!  On the first Friday of the month, I like to have Dessert Friday - you can still link up chocolate posts, but the non-chocolate desserts get a chance to shine too!

I found this recipe in my Mason Jar Soup-to-Nuts Cookbook.  It's simple and oh so buttery good!!  These shortbread bars are dangerous to have around, but they're wonderful to offer to company along with coffee or tea and they make a great gift!

Scottish Shortbread

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup butter, softened

1.  Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.

2.  Place flour, powdered sugar, and salt in medium bowl, and stir until well combined.  Add butter, and mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon or electric mixer set at low speed to form a thick batter.

3.  Spread the batter evenly in ungreased 8-x-8-inch baking pan, and bake for 55-60 minutes, or until light brown in color.

4.  Allow shortbread to cool completely in pan before cutting into 16 cookies (2-in squares).

5.  Serve immediately, or store in airtight container for up to 10 days.
Yes, that is a lot of butter!  And that is why they're so gooooood - LOL!  :)

Your turn!  Bring on the chocolate and dessert posts!  I have faith that you have one somewhere in your archives or can whip one up right now  - link it on up!  Sharing is just the polite thing to do!  

Have a lovely day friends!


  1. I'm in love! I love shortbread and these sound easy and yummy! Two of my favorite combinations.

    Big I always wondered why they called it short bread and not tall bread because I've always felt a little left out because of it size hugs to you!

    Love you my friend!!

  2. i wanna tasteee them all :)

  3. ohhh. I'll bet this would be wonderful with some strawberries and whipped cream! A new twist on strawberry shortcake.

  4. Looks great, and simple to make! I like UnfinishedMom's idea of serving it with strawberries and whipped cream, too!

  5. Those sound divine

  6. Oh gracious! Isn't shortbread just delectible? Melt in your mouth yumness! ;)

  7. Wow, I love shortbread as well, and shortbread dipped in chocolate is pretty heavenly!

    I just love your blog Lisa, and wanted to let you know I have nominated you for a Sunshine Award -- visiting your blog always brightens my day!


  8. I love shortbread! You just need to melt a candy bar on top or dip it in hot chocolate for complete perfection!

  9. These look wonderful. I love shortbread and don't have it enough. It just melts in the mouth mmm.

  10. Lisa! That looks so good! It's about 10 at night and I have such a sweet tooth after seeing that!

    Anyway, just popping by to say hello, my friend. Happy Summer!



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