Monday, May 2, 2011

What's Happening This Week

I'm gonna copy my friend Kim today and just give you bullet points of what's going on this week - so much easier that way!  She's smart that way, that Kim.  :)

So here's what's happening...

  • My son's 5/6 class has their Literature Day for Hans Brinker this week and I've been coordinating the food and will be doing setup.  The kids will go to the ice rink and try skating before going to somebody's house to do crafts, games, and eat.  Should be fun for all!
  • I get my hair done this week - always important - LOL!
  • I'm joining in the 31 Days to Clean challenge at Joyful Mothering - and boy, do I need it!
  • I'll have a new post up over at Pennies and Blessings at the end of the week - a tip and a recipe!
  • Over on my other blog (Stop Eating All The Chocolates), I'm participating in Weight Loss Wednesdays with my friend Alicia from Confessions of a Snowflake.  And I'm thinking about joining in there with Reshaping It All (with Darlene Schacht & Candace Cameron Bure) which starts now and lasts for 65 days.
  • I just remembered that Mother's Day is this coming Sunday.  We don't usually do much to celebrate, but I'm sure I'll get a card or two and we're trying to decide whether to eat out or if hubs is up to cooking a meal!  And I can't forget to mail a couple of gifts this week.  Do you have special plans?
  • I've GOT to get to the gym many times this week and try to eat right to make up for the fact that my Dad was here last week and we ate out all.the.time.  Sigh.
  • Maybe I'll actually get a blog post or two up this week!  That might be nice - LOL!  :)
What's happening for you this week friends?

Have a fabulous day!!


  1. Copy Cat! :) hee hee...hmmm, maybe I'll do that too, lol. :)

    I'm gonna go check out Reshaping it All...sounds good.
    Not TOO too much going on here...pretty much sunshine and giggles all around. :) I'll blog about it, :).

  2. Bullets are so comforting. LOL! Well the ones that we use. Not so much the "real" ones.
    Sounds like a pretty productive week my friend.
    Big getting to the gym is easier said then done these days size hugs to you!
    Love you my friend.

  3. Oh, your blog is so fun! I love your title - LOVE me some chocolate. {grin} I am so glad that I stumbled here. Blessings on your day!


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