But I know that I have a duty and a calling to keep my house clean since I'm a wife and mom {OK - actually I would need to keep my house clean even if I wasn't either of those things - LOL}. I want to do it with joy - not with a pout. And I do so love the end result of the cleaning! Is there anything better than a shiny, sweet-smelling, tidy, comfortable home? Keeping the end goal in mind and the "why" of it all {plus
And it seems that this is the week to get going on it!
- We've mostly finished with homeschooling which frees up some time.
- Sarah Mae just happened to begin her 31 Days to Clean {The Reboot} this week - so I'm joining up!
- Christin from Joyful Mothering has a series on Mothering and Homemaking this week. Good advice on how to get your kiddos involved in cleaning!
All signs seem to point to "Clean that house up now, girl!" {Can I still call myself "girl" if I'm in my 40's?? Please say yes.}
So now you know what I'll be doing this week! Are you with me or is your house fabulously spotless right now? Do you find joy in cleaning? How do you motivate yourself to clean?
Have a shiny, sweet-smelling, tidy, comfortable sort of day friends!

Lately I've been wishing I could hire a cleaning service to come in and help me get "caught up". We still have school until mid-week next week, then I hope to really get busy on it.
ReplyDeleteSometimes my brain is motivated, but my body is not. I just don't seem to have the energy like I use to, and I get overwhelmed, which frustrates me even further.
I'm not usually very motivated, unless someone is coming over. Isn't it sad that we aren't as motivated to clean for our own family? Another sad thing is that it's often after someone drops in unexpectedly and I'm embarrassed about it that I get motivated.
Like you, I don't find joy in the cleaning, but I do in the end result.
I am working on catching up on laundry this week, but next week, the real fun begins!
Oh girl! You can SO call yourself a girl. LOL! My hubby was off all week so my house got a little behind in the cleaning department, so I need to hop to it too.
ReplyDeleteBig I think we should just call ourselves cleaning divas and maybe it will motivate us a little more size hugs to you!
Love ya!
If you would have asked me this 2 weeks ago when we were at the fair for 7 days..LOL..my house was a disaster then. I have gotten back on track though; my problem is the deep cleaning. So when time permits I'll check out Sarah Mae's challenge. :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm with you, BUT, my house is finally beginning to come together since we've started all the revamping and reorganizing (and add new furniture) projects!! Yay!
ReplyDeleteYou look so cute. I hear you, friend. ;-)