Hundreds of bloggers attempt #31Days in October, but the results vary widely. Some will post 31 posts and end on 10/31. Some will run behind but still do 31 posts and end in early November. Some end on 10/31 with however many posts they managed to do, whether that's 5 or 25. Some will have started, but quit after getting too far behind. No matter how you do it - everybody wins!
We're all winners in this #31Days thing because no matter how you did, there are some great posts and series on hundreds of blogs now. Bloggers have got back into writing good, focused posts. Readers have so many great topics to choose from - enough to read over the next few months even! Win, win!
I found this #31Days to be a challenge, but a good one. I was sidetracked part of the month by company and other things which made it too hard for me to get all 31 posts done. I had more post ideas and partial drafts done, but in the end I was happy with the posts I did manage to do. I hope that you found at least one of the posts in this series useful and helpful!
Thank you so much for being with me through through my October series! If you haven't had time to read the posts, you can take your time and work on reading them all. {I even pinned a few series to my #31Days Pinterest board that I plan to go back and read.} If you participated in #31Days, I hope you were happy with your results even if they didn't exactly fit your original vision. If you participated at all, then you rock for trying!
Click here for all my #31Days posts.----->
You CAN do 31 Days your own way!
Did you do a #31Days series? Do you have a favorite post from your series? Have you been following some of the October series? What are some favorites you have read? Share in the comments!
If you want to make sure you keep up with future series and posts, just click to Subscribe to Stop and Smell the Chocolates by Email or RSS!
Have a blessed day friends!

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