Adalex72 at The Glass Jar tagged me for a Memoir Meme - my very first meme!!
Here it is:
Sunshine-needing, Laughter-loving, Dessert-eating
Christian Wife & Mother
Christian Wife & Mother
Ok - it's supposed to be six words, so I cheated a bit with the hyphenated words - sorry!
Here are the rules for the meme:
. Write a six word memoir, post it on your blog with a visual if you like.
. Link to the person who tagged you.
. Tag at least five more blogs with links.
. Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.
Here's who I have tagged:Real Life
One Sock At A Time
We Are THAT Family
Scooter Blu's Whimsy
Tea Party Girl
Other Musings:
I just got my hair done yesterday and I realized something...the name of the salon that I go to is...CHOCOLATES Spa and Salon...I am not kidding! Am I obsessed with chocolate, or what?!
Speaking of chocolate, stop by The Chocolistas to vote for your favorite name for a chocolate dessert. I confess, the name I came up with is in the running and I would like to win, but I will allow you to truly vote for your favorite!
Have you had any chocolate yet today??
Have a blessed day!
Lisa :)

Hey I stumbled across a post I've never read so I must leave a comment on it.
ReplyDeleteBig going back isn't always a bad thing size hugs to you!
Hee! Hee!