Everything You Always Wanted To Know About How We Celebrate Christmas...
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hmmm...well I like both if they're good and rich. But I have very little of either one this time of year, 'cause me and that many extra calories don't get along too well. Actually, now that I think about it - I'd rather have a White Chocolate Peppermint Latte...mmmmmm.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Well we don't actually do the Santa thing! But we have plenty of presents - all wrapped - under the tree. Presents are from the person who bought them. But I do like something my Dad used to do on presents - strange instructions like: Keep at 60 degrees F; Keep dry; Do not open in front of fire, etc. :) And we do enjoy having a scavenger hunt around the house for a gift!
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? White icicle lights on the house and white lights on the tree. Like snow!
4. Do you hang mistletoe? Sadly no. I need to find me some of that. :)
5. When do you put your decorations up? Decorations?? What decorations? Sigh - other than lights on the house, they're not up yet. The bins are now in the house though and I have cleared the Fall stuff so we're getting close. This is about how it goes every year even though every year we intend to decorate right after Thanksgiving!
6. What is your favorite Christmas dish? Can it be chocolate? My all-time favorite Christmas treat would have to be fudge. But just like question #1, that is something that I no longer make at Christmas. I learned my lesson a few years ago when I made a batch of the buttery chocolatey goodness. I could not will myself to give it away and could not will myself to stop eating it. So I ate most of the batch myself. And that was the year I gained 10 lbs over Christmas. See what I mean?
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child? Celebrating at my Grandparents' house. There would be music playing or we would gather round the piano and sing carols. We'd have a big dinner with relatives and we'd have Tom & Jerry's to drink (similar to a hot buttered rum tho the kids wouldn't get any alcohol in their drinks).
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? Oh my. Well, my parents thought I believed and thought all was well. However, in 2nd grade (I was 7) I discovered the truth - something to do with spying on my parents and fake Santas I think. I was horrified that I lad been lied to all that time! Shocking! So I felt it my *duty* to enlighten my fellow 2nd graders and tell them all of the great conspiracy! I'm sure I ruined it for my 5 yr old sister as well. Only when I was grown up did I discover that Mom had received a few angry phone calls!
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? We used to enjoy opening 1 gift on Christmas Eve, but in the last few years we have tried to put less emphasis on presents so there aren't as many. So if you open 1 in the evening, there's less to look forward to in the morning!
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? Silver beads, red & silver balls, and an assortment of ornaments that were gifts or homemade.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? Love looking at it. Dread living in it! I grew up in Montana so I had my fill. I'm happy that I don't have to drive around in snow or scrape a windshield in my wimpy California world. :)
12. Can you ice skate? No. Tried once as a child - it wasn't pretty.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? Well I can tell you it wasn't Barbie 'cause they NEVER bought one for me!!! Deep breaths. Deeeeeep breaths. (If you haven't seen it, I have a rather overdramatic video on my Barbie-deprived childhood.) I guess my favorite gift was in Junior High. My Dad gave me a ghettoblaster - Woo Hoo!! That sucker was huge - yes, a double-cassette playing & recording ghettoblaster my friends. And the soundtrack to Streets of Fire - LOL! Funny thing, that ghettoblaster was still providing music to my hubs while in the garage just a few years ago before it finally died.
14. What’s the most important thing about the Holidays for you? We celebrate the birth and death (because that's the "gift" part) of Christ - though we believe it should be celebrated year round, goodies to eat, festive music, pretty lights, fun times with family and friends, and vacation from school! :)
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? That's a tough one. I don't yet have a traditional dessert that I make for Christmas. I'm still on the lookout for that perfect Christmas dessert. I love all the cookies and homemade yummies though!
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? We don't have a lot of traditions - every year is a little different. We do enjoy driving around to see all the lights!
17. What tops your tree? A glass ornament topper that my Stepmother bought us a few years ago.
18. Which do you prefer - Giving or Receiving? Oh the giving for sure!! I do like to have 1 small thing to open, but that's enough.
19. Candy Canes: Yuck or Yum? YUM - love candy canes! I MUST have them!
20 Favorite Christmas Show? So many - Home Alone, Charlie Brown Christmas, White Christmas, It's A Wonderful Life...
21. Saddest Christmas Song? I'll Have a Blue Christmas...
22. What is your favorite Christmas Song? Oh Holy Night is my absolute fave! But I do enjoy most Christmas music.
Whew - got through it! At least you know me a little better now. And to know me is to love me...right? I said, RIGHT?? Your response was a bit delayed... :)
Have a great day friends! And if you decide to do this Christmas meme - do let me know so I can go read it!

Loved reading about you and Christmas traditions, etc.
ReplyDeleteHoping your Christmas this year is absolutely wonderful!
Oh my friend we have so much in common. Although right now I wouldn't mind a "little" snow cause that would mean it's not 83 and so humid you think it's rain on your windshield! *sigh*
ReplyDeleteBig to know you is to love you without hesitation size hugs to you my sweet friend.
Have a fabulous day!
That was fun to read.. I think I will copy it onto my blog... I need some inspiration!
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you have A Dollar Tree, but ours had some plastic mistletoe at it. I guess it would suffice. Or get the job done.
ReplyDeletethis was fun! Thank you for sharing with us. I did post at my blog as well.
<3 ya
That was fun!
ReplyDeleteI'm actually a little bit scared of egg nog.
What a fun holiday meme:-)