Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Dose of Christmas Reality

Two days before Christmas
And all through my place
Are things that aren't done yet;
Better pick up the pace!

Just so you aren't totally fooled by all the pretty pics on my blog, I thought I would give you a peek into my Christmas reality today!  Some of you organized people will be horrified, but I think many of you will feel much better!  :)

Still-undecorated tree.

Bin of tree ornaments to put on!

Still working on Christmas cards!

My attempt at divinity (to surprise my hubs).  It turned out to be some form of very chewy vanilla taffy that won't peel off wax paper!

Feeling better now?  I've got to go because obviously I have a lot to do!  Enjoy more Wordless Wednesday pics over at 5 Minutes For Mom!

Have a wonderful Wednesday friends!!


  1. I don't have a tree up at all, so you're way ahead of me! ;-)

  2. lol I can relate to having a lot to do and not getting it all done. I haven't done Christmas cards. Don't think I'm going to this year.

  3. Good luck getting everything done in time:-) I am sure that you will have a GREAT holiday:-)

  4. Good for you to share your as yet undecorated tree and cards still to write, to encourage others who are a bit or a lot behind.
    I am doing wordless Wednesday on my own blog, and thought the idea is not to use words, so I just use a photo, which is so simple!
    Let's not follow rules though, we prefer to be free spirits.

  5. Okay I have to tell you that I feel SOOOOOO much better now! LOL!!!

    My friend, I hope you have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

    Big I'd just leave it the way it is and have less work to do later size hugs to you! LOL!!

    LOVE YOU my friend!

  6. Oh Lisa!!! LOLOLOL...goodness girl - get that tree decorated, the rest of it can wait, late Christmas cards are always a special treat. LOVE the divinity patties, what an awesome gift worries about it slipping around on the plate, LOLOLOL...!

  7. I love that you're normal!! My house isn't a far cry from yours. Well, my tree is up! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  8. That's what my divinity looked like too! I just peeled some of it off the waxed paper and molded it into the right shape!! Oh well ... we tried!! And it did taste good. :-)

    Merry Christmas to all in Chocopalooza from the Queen of Christmas Decor

  9. Hey! I'm not alone in the candymaking flops! I called my peanut butter concoction "Failed Fudge". It still tasted good, though. I tried to hide my failure by wrapping it in gold and silver papers...


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