Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: The Flower Fixer

My son took it upon himself to "fix" this broken daffodil - I love my landscaper! 

By the way, if you are seeing weeds in the picture, it must be your imagination - heh,heh.

Happy Wordless Wednesday!  Stop at 5 Minutes For Mom for more photos!


  1. Weeds? What weeds?


  2. Ha! Ha! Ha! I love it. My son would have done the same thing but probably used dental floss! LOL! He uses Dental Floss for everything that needs string.

    Big a little mulch goes a long way size hugs to you! LOL! I'm just sayin'.

    Have a great day my friend.

  3. What a creative young man!

    And I'm horribly jealous of your daffodils. I have a 12 foot snowmound in my front yard. Spring can't come fast enough for me!

  4. It's gonna be a long time before we get any of those around these snow-ridden parts.
    Have a great day!

  5. THAT is precious! :)......I don't weeds...what weeds? :)

  6. What a great idea. I kill all my flowers so I would never have thought to tie something on it to "fix" it. What weeds? I don't know what you are talking about!

  7. LOL! But what I wouldn't give for one of those at my house instead of all the snow!

  8. OH how sweet! I see no weeds...none in my yard either ;)

  9. Great fixing. I'm jealous of the flowers.

  10. Is he for hire? How much does he charge? ;)

  11. By the way...I love the new look!

  12. That is so dang cute!! What a sweetie you have there!!

  13. Aww! Daffodils are my favorite! Unfortunately we are so buried in snow right now that our daffodils are going to need scuba gear to survive the spring thaw. Thanks for sharing your picture! It's encouraging to know there's always somewhere in the world that has flowers. And what a sweet fellow to give your daffodil a boost. :)


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