Welcome back once again! It's Savor 7 {Saturday} friends ~ a new way to share blessings and encourage each other! For explanation of the 7 categories, see the original post. Thank you for joining me last week! And a special thank you to Lori for linking up and especially for sharing about falling through a screen door {she is fine!}!
Let's look back at our week and "savor" {to have experience of; to taste or smell with pleasure; to delight in} together.
7 blessings. 7 experiences, tastes, smells, delights. 7 ways to share, encourage, inspire. 1 for each day of the week. Join me? Write your own post, sharing something for each of the 7 categories and link it up right here anytime over the weekend. If you don't have a blog, share some of your blessings in the comments!
Savor 7 {Saturday}
Psalm 117:2 For His merciful kindness is great toward us, And the truth of the LORD [endures] forever. Praise the LORD!STORY TELLER: I'd like to share a blogger from my Reader - Nan from Mom's The Word! She's been blogging for quite a while and is sweet, encouraging, and so funny! I know you'll be blessed by her blog! Nan has a linky party on Mondays called Making Your Home Sing Monday. Those posts always encourage me to do better in my own home. I've linked up a few times in the past and it helped me to be more accountable with what I was trying to accomplish. Go say hi to Nan! :)
SOCIAL: We had a Court of Honor for Boy Scouts this week. Not only is it nice to see what's happening with all the boys, but also a great time to visit with the other parents!
SILLY: My son mentioned that they were talking about random things in one of their classes. So he asked the teacher - "Don't you think it's weird that our school has a Mrs. Rose *and* a Mrs. Thorne?" The kids found it amusing, but the teacher just shook his head. Just.shook.his.head. Oh Mr. W. - the year has just begun - LOL!! :)
SIPS: I decided to have one of my blended coffee drinks, but make it dessert at the same time. I made myself a Chococarmacino! :)
SWEETS: Chocolate chips seemed to be on my brain this week, so when I had a sweets craving I made this yummy treat from my Pinterest board - Ready to Eat Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. It's a single serving that you whip up for yourself - dangerous! But I figure it's better than eating a whole batch of cookie dough! :) The link to the recipe doesn't seem to be working and it doesn't come up with a search on the blog it's from, so you'll have to check out my Yummy Treats board and scroll down to find it - the instructions are included.
I hope you enjoyed my 7 things to savor! Now it's your turn! Write a Savor 7 {Saturday} post including these 7 categories and come back here to link up. Please make sure you link to the actual post rather than just your blog. And please include a link back to this post so people can find the link-up! You are also welcome to use the graphic at the top in your post or on your sidebar if you wish. Don't forget to visit another linker or 2 to share some encouragement!
If you want to make sure you keep up with future series and posts, just click to Subscribe to Stop and Smell the Chocolates by Email or RSS!
Thanks for joining me and have a blessed weekend friends!

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