Welcome to Savor 7 {Saturday} friends ~ a new way to share blessings and encourage each other! *You can either follow my categories or just simply list out 7 blessings from your week - this is not meant to be stressful!* For explanation of the 7 categories, see the original post. Thanks for joining me last week!
Let's look back at our week and "savor" {to have experience of; to taste or smell with pleasure; to delight in} together.
7 blessings. 7 experiences, tastes, smells, delights. 7 ways to share, encourage, inspire. 1 for each day of the week. Join me? Write your own post sharing 7 blessings from your week ~ link it up anytime this weekend. If you don't have a blog, share your blessings in the comments - I'd love to hear them!
Savor 7 {Saturday}
Proverbs 12:25 Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad.
STORY TELLER: My friend Teri Lynne {now blogging at fresh perspective} is doing an awesome 31 Day Series! It's 31 Days of #MustRead 31 Days series - Teri Lynne has blessed us by picking through the hundreds of great series and come up with a few that you don't want to miss! I love her recommendations - you should check them out. :)
SOCIAL: I didn't really have any social outings this week {though I was blessed by a lunch out with my hubs - yay!} but I was actually being social online with the West Coast Christian Bloggers. It's a new group and I wanted to mention it here in case any of you are Christian bloggers on the West Coast or nearby {like ID, MT, NV, AZ} and don't know about the group yet. It's a fun way to connect with like-minded people who are actually in the same time zone! :) Leave a comment if you'd like to be included in the Twitter list or Facebook group and I'll follow up.
SILLY: Since I'll be attending a blog conference soon {Allume}, this post from long ago came to my mind. I came up with a list of possible topics to speak about at a blog conference near you. Check out Lisa's Blog Conference Topics for a giggle {Laughter is such a blessing, isn't it?}. Also? I noticed that was back in the days when I actually got more than 3 comments on my blog - LOL - there are 22 comments on that post!
SNAPSHOT: Hubs and I headed out late to look at stepping stones for a path in our front yard. We walked into Lowe's and this is what we saw! Ack!! I am not ready for this! Can I decorate for Fall first? LOL! Interesting note - we also went into Home Depot and there wasn't a Christmas item in sight. So, is it a blessing that the Christmas stuff is already available in Lowe's or is it a blessing that we don't have to see Christmas stuff yet in Home Depot??
SIPS: Plenty of lattes this week - pumpkin spice and caramel. I do so love flavored lattes. LOVE them. :) Do you like lattes? Have you had one? What's your favorite flavor {or do you just have 'em plain}?
SWEETS: I did enjoy some No-Bake Pumpkin Pie {yum} which I'll share on the blog sometime soon. Other than that, I just went with Trader Joe's dark chocolate - that's considered health food, right?! :)
I hope you enjoyed my 7 things to savor! Your turn! Write a Savor 7 {Saturday} post listing 7 blessings from the week and come back to link up - or share about your blessings in the comments. Please link to the actual post, not just your blog. And please include a link back to this post so people can find it! You're welcome to use the graphic at the top in your post or sidebar. Visit another linker or 2 to share some encouragement!
If you want to make sure you keep up with future series and posts, just click to Subscribe to Stop and Smell the Chocolates by Email or RSS!
Thank you for joining me and have a blessed weekend friends!

Oh Lisa! I'm soooo not ready for the Christmas season yet! I'm too busy savoring fall! Have a great weekend!!
ReplyDeleteI agree!! I do not like to think about Christmas until after Thanksgiving (which is my fave holiday).
DeleteI am thinking of getting my Christmas cards out.
ReplyDeleteI still send a few. So nice to get a real card.
Happy Fall Everyone. Laura
Happy Fall! I do still send out cards too, but I start and finish them all in December!
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