Monday, December 3, 2012

Let's Have a Little Fun on Facebook

Well, Facebook is making people a little grumpy these days with all the changes. The biggest issue is with pages rather than personal profiles. Facebook isn't showing all the "Likers" of a page everything that is posted by the page. It's determined by their own formulas of what people most want to see.

Anyway, I didn't want to get into all of the detail about that right now. I just wanted to say that we don't have to get grumpy - let's not let Facebook take our smiles away! We can still have fun there - really! It takes a little more effort, but I know we can handle it. :)

Let's have some fun!!

So, to have a little more fun on my Facebook page this month, I'm doing a couple of things. First, I am sharing one of my fave cookie or treat recipes every day this month on my page. Stop by every day to drool over the latest treat! I'll also be pinning those recipes to my Cookies & Treats {Christmas} board on Pinterest along with other tempting goodies from around the blogosphere.

Second, I'm going to do something fun with my cover photos on my Facebook page. Just thought of this yesterday, so let's try it out for the next few days and see if you like it. Starting later today, I'll put a new cover photo on my page that will be a trivia photo. It will be a closeup or strange angle of a fairly everyday item from my home. You get to guess what it is! I'll post the answer the next day and put up a new photo for you to try and guess. Fun, right? After 3 days of that I'll see if you think it's too easy, too hard, or worth continuing for the month of December.

Whether or not everybody sees what we're posting, let's spread some cheer on Facebook this month!

By the way - helpful tip I learned for Facebook pages - Facebook knows that people like photos so posting photos on your pages will be seen by more people. Also, don't include your links in your post - Facebook makes links low priority as they might be considered spam. Post a photo with a status {or just a status} and at the end say "Link is in the comments" or something like that. Then leave a comment with the link you want to share. It's more work, but your posts will be seen by more people that way - I promise!

Do you have a Facebook page for your blog or business? Share the link in the comments so we can stop by!

Let's connect and have some fun!
Click here ---> to Like my Facebook page.
Click here ---> to follow me on Pinterest.
Click here ---> to follow me on Twitter.

Have a FUN and blessed day friends!!


  1. Wow, I do not know how you can do all this, made me tired just reading, lol! I am having to cut back on things I normally do this time of year.

  2. I'm heading over now to have a look!

  3. I have a Facebook for my blog. come request to my friend! I'll have to check out your Facebook page for the fun! ;)

  4. FUN! I am over to FB to try to figure out what that photo is..... :-)

  5. This has been fun my friend. You're so very clever!! I'm just coming out of the cold fog and hope to get my act together soon. I'm not sure what that means exactly but we'll see. LOL!

    Big close up pictures are fun as long as they aren't of my face size hugs to you!!
    Love ya!

  6. Looks like you're having a lot of fun on FB! Too bad I'm not on there these days! I'll have to try to catch up with you through my blog, which is still alive on FB. :-) Have a super week!


I would love to hear your comments! Thank you for stopping and smelling the chocolates with me!! Currently disabled anonymous comments due to spam attempts - thanks for understanding!

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