Welcome to Savor 7 {Saturday} friends ~ a new way to share blessings and encourage each other! *You can either follow my categories or just simply list out 7 blessings from your week - this is not meant to be stressful!* For explanation of the 7 categories, see the original post.
Let's look back at our week and "savor" {to have experience of; to taste or smell with pleasure; to delight in} together.
7 blessings. 7 experiences, tastes, smells, delights. 7 ways to share, encourage, inspire. 1 for each day of the week. Join me? Write your own post sharing 7 blessings from your week ~ link it up anytime this weekend. If you don't have a blog, share your blessings in the comments - I'd love to hear them!
Savor 7 {Saturday}
Proverbs 18:24 A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
STORY TELLER: I LOVE this post by Jen {Balancing Beauty and Bedlam} over at (in)courage this week!! It's about hospitality and it's called The Christmas Party That Almost Wasn't. I really encourage you to read it - it's perfect as we enter the season of holiday entertaining.
SOCIAL: My only social outing this week was a Boy Scout Court of Honor. Always nice to see everybody and watch the boys receive their merit badges and advancements. And this was a special Court of Honor for us as hubs officially became the new Scoutmaster!
SILLY: I mentioned this on Facebook a couple days ago and you'll probably only find it amusing if you're a nerd/geek like me: I keep referring to the movie "Life of Pi" as "Life of 3.14159" just to annoy my family. My hubs said that as long as I don't know pi to 10 decimal places, he won't consider me a nerd. :) Hmmm...I just asked my son to say pi and he knew it to 7 decimal places. He's well on his way to being a nerd! LOL!
SNAPSHOT: Hubs receiving the troop flag at the Court of Honor.
SWEETS: I posted a yummy cake recipe this week: Chocolate Chip Pecan {Sour Cream} Cake! I wish I had a piece right now! :)
Share 7 blessings you're savoring today!
- Write a Savor 7 {Saturday} post listing 7 blessings from the week and come back to link up - or share about your blessings in the comments.
- Please link to the actual post, not just your blog & include a link back to this post so people can find it! And you're welcome to use the graphic at the top in your post or sidebar.
- Visit another linker or 2 to share some encouragement!
Thank you for joining me and have a blessed weekend friends!

I read that article I think yesterday. It was really good and I did see your witty sense of humor about the Pi. You're too funny my friend.
ReplyDeleteBig I decided to catch ANOTHER cold so my savoring is a little off right now size hugs to you.
Love ya!
What a great week you had! I love that verse, and I can almost taste that cake! Have a great weekend!!