Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Roughin' It

When we visited Yellowstone Park, we decided to "rough it" and stay in the KOA campground in one of their Kamping Kabins.

I mean, look at the "shack" we had to make do with...

Besides using free wi-fi, we had to suffer with comfy mattresses on log beds for our sleeping bags to go on, table and chairs, heater (didn't need it), lights, picnic table and grill outside. And only one log porch swing that seats two people? How did we cope?

OK, you do have to walk to the bathrooms and showers, and the gift shop, candy shop, laundry room, outdoor restaurant, playground, bike rentals, and the huge indoor pool and spa. Oh - the hassle!

And here's where you will really feel sorry for me...I had to walk steps...and steps... to make it to this spot each day!

Aren't you amazed that we survived in the wilderness for so long??

Stop by 5 Minutes for Mom for more Wordless Wednesday - maybe they will be more "wordless" than me!


  1. You are too funny! I want a house like that!

  2. Wow, sounds like you really had to put in alot of effort to enjoy yourself. Happy WW!

  3. That's it, I'm taking the kids to Yellowstone! Looks like so much fun!

  4. That is my idea of roughing it lol. What no pictures of inside the cabin? You know we like to be nosy lol. I'd hike a mountain to get to that last picture lol.

  5. I could rough it in a shack like that. :D

  6. that looks totally rough, totally surprised y'all survived :) looks fun.

  7. Lady... That's my kind of camping! LOL

  8. That is so cute!! I love little shacks like that :) HAppy WW!

  9. A cabing with wi-fi? Isn't that against the law or something? Too funny...

  10. I am amazed. I always wonder if I could survive in the wilderness!

    Happy day, finally I am peeking my head into blogland again. :-) Thanks for your visit!


  11. Oh that made me laugh!!!! I sure missed out on all those things when I went 29 years ago. I will have to go back, take the grandson, and see what all we can see. It looks like too much fun to me, and I don't want to miss out.

  12. i bet it was a great time!

  13. Gracious, Woman! How did you ever survive that awful time? LOLOL It looks like fun - I LOVE that you had a place to get coffee. :)

  14. What a cute little cabin! Glad you were able to "rough it" and get through your vacation! LOLOL!

    Hugs, Rhonda :)

  15. How cute is that cabin? And the coffee shop...heaven. Here I was praying for yout hinking you were in the middle of a jungle, with a sheet, and campfire...and this is what you were really doing!! I'm onto you girl!!

  16. I saw your blog name from a comment you made on another post...and I figured anyone who would name their blog after chocolate had to be one brilliant woman! I loved your Yellowstone cabin....but only because I didn't have to stay in it lol. I've always said that "camping" to me is room service at the Hilton!

  17. LOL that's my kind of roughing it! Sounds like a lot of fun actually.


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