Saturday, November 17, 2012

Savor 7 {Saturday} ~ 11/17

Welcome to Savor 7 {Saturday} friends ~ a new way to share blessings and encourage each other! *You can either follow my categories or just simply list out 7 blessings from your week - this is not meant to be stressful!* For explanation of the 7 categories, see the original post

Let's look back at our week and "savor" {to have experience of; to taste or smell with pleasure; to delight in} together. 

7 blessings. 7 experiences, tastes, smells, delights. 7 ways to share, encourage, inspire. 1 for each day of the week. Join me? Write your own post sharing 7 blessings from your week ~ link it up anytime this weekend. If you don't have a blog, share your blessings in the comments - I'd love to hear them!

Savor 7 {Saturday}


Proverbs 16:24 Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.
STORY TELLER: I meant to share this one sooner. It's an amazing story that took place at the Allume conference. I really hope you take the time to read it - so worth it! It's from The Cadence of a Conquering Housewife and it's called: Wrecked. {Alternately Titled: How A White Suburban Housewife Leads An African Man To Christ}

SOCIAL: I guess my social outings consisted of a Boy Scout committee meeting and going along with the Junior High class to work a shift at Feed My Starving Children. Got to visit with friends and enjoy myself at both - always a blessing! Did you have any fun outings?

SILLY & SNAPSHOT: We had to wear hair nets at Feed My Starving Children and my son was getting a little creative with his! He blesses us regularly by making us laugh!


SIPS: All the Christmasy drinks are available at all the coffee places - yay! And in case you didn't know, Starbucks has BOGO holiday drinks from 2-5PM through the 18th!

SWEETS: I shared some yummy sweets on the blog this week! No-Bake Pumpkin Pie and 10 Cranberry Recipes! What yummy sweets have you had lately?

Share 7 blessings you're savoring today!
  • Write a Savor 7 {Saturday} post listing 7 blessings from the week and come back to link up - or share about your blessings in the comments.
  • Please link to the actual post, not just your blog. Please include a link back to this post so people can find it! And you're welcome to use the graphic at the top in your post or sidebar.  
  • Visit another linker or 2 to share some encouragement!
If you want to make sure you keep up with future series and posts, just click to Subscribe to Stop and Smell the Chocolates by Email or RSS! 

Thank you for joining me and have a blessed weekend friends!

P.S. This is my 6th post this week! You should note that somewhere 'cause I haven't done such a thing in a very long time! :) 

Oh, and don't forget to enter my giveaway!


  1. I loved your Savor 7 Saturday Stuff my friend. It's always nice to get a peek into your week.

    Big I think I'll sport the hair net from now on and have my kids call me lunch lady size hugs to you.

    Love you!

  2. Your silly son! I got to take advantage of the Starbucks BOGO twice last week. Have a beautiful Thanksgiving my friend.


I would love to hear your comments! Thank you for stopping and smelling the chocolates with me!! Currently disabled anonymous comments due to spam attempts - thanks for understanding!

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